doc. Ing. Tomáš Výrost, PhD.
associate professor
317 / 3rd floor
+421 55 602 21 45
Financial Derivatives
Business Economics
Quantitative Microeconomics
Final Thesis Topics
Financial Investment
Portfolio Management
Financial Distress Modeling
Risk Modeling
Consultation Hours
Monday 9:00 – 10:30
Bachelor’s and Diploma Thesis Seminar
Tuesday 9:00 – 10:30
Research Projects
- APVV-18-0310. Corporate efficiency, financial distress and risk behavior in European companies. (Zodpovedný riešiteľ)
- GAČR GA20-11769S. Financial Networks: Examining Market Linkages using Network Approach. (Zodpovedný riešiteľ)
- Horizont 2020 – 825215. A FINancial supervision and TECHnology compliance training programme. (Člen riešiteľského kolektívu)
- VEGA 1/0406/17. Prelievanie a predikcia volatility výnosov na akciových trhoch. (Zodpovedný riešiteľ)
- APVV-14-0357. Contagion among International Markets: Revisiting Models and Analyzing Networks. (Člen riešiteľského kolektívu)
- VEGA 1/0402/15. Insolvency of Slovak companies: bankruptcy proceedings, restructuring, and prediction of financial distress. (Člen riešiteľského kolektívu)
- VEGA 1/0392/15. Empirical modelling of contagion in stock markets using networks. (Člen riešiteľského kolektívu)
- APVV-0666-11. Stock Market Integration: Learning from Empirical Evidence. (Zodpovedný riešiteľ)
- VEGA 1/0393/12. The speed, volatility and structural breaks in stock market integration of CEE countries. (Člen riešiteľského kolektívu)
- VEGA 1/0826/11. Stock market integration of developed and V4 markets. (Člen riešiteľského kolektívu)
- VEGA 1/4604/07 Quantitative approaches to the modelling of economic agents under uncertainty and risk. (Zodpovedný riešiteľ)
Research Publications
The Most Important Publications
- Khalfaoui, R., Baumöhl, E., Sarwar, S., Výrost, T. (2021). Connectedness between energy and nonenergy commodity markets: Evidence from quantile coherency networks. Resources Policy, 74, 102318.
- Lyócsa, Š., Molnár, P., Výrost, T. (2021). Stock market volatility forecasting: Do we need high-frequency data?. International Journal of Forecasting, 37(3), 1092-1110.
- Lyócsa, Š., Todorova, N., Výrost, T. (2021). Predicting risk in energy markets: Low-frequency data still matter. Applied Energy, 282, 116146.
- Lyócsa, Š., Baumöhl, E., Výrost, T., Molnár, P. (2020). Fear of the coronavirus and the stock markets. Finance research letters, 36, 101735.
- Výrost, T., Lyócsa, Š. and Baumöhl, E. 2015. Granger causality stock market networks: Temporal proximity and preferential attachment. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 427(C), p. 262-276.