doc. Ing. MVDr. Ján Buleca, PhD.
prodekan pre vonkajšie vzťahy a rozvoj / docent
226 / 2. poschodie
+421 55 602 21 41
Pedagogická činnosť
Financie a mena
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Témy záverečných prác
Konzultačné hodiny
Utorok 10:00 – 11:00
Bakalársky a diplomový seminár
Streda 10:00 – 11:00
Vedecko-výskumná činnosť
Výskumné projekty
- European Commission: LLP Project FASTER (Financial and Accounting Seminars Targeting European Regions), No. 518894-LLP- 1-2011- 1-GR- KA3-KA3MP
- Erasmus+: „CABCIn“: Establishment of Capacity Building Centers as a Sustainable Solution to Raise the Standards of Teaching Staff in Indian Higher Education Institutions
- ASFEU: Operaèný program Vzdelávanie: Balík doplnkov pre ïalšiu reformu vzdelávania na TUKE, ITMS kód projektu: 26110230093
- APVV 20-063205: „Research and identification of genotypes of fattening pigs and ruminants with lower serum cholesterol content and risk analysis of their carcass production“
- VEGA 1/0311/17: „Valuation of intangible assets and methods of their reporting“
- VEGA 1/0381/13: „Evaluation of the Innovation Potential of a Business Network in its First Phase“
- VEGA 2/0004/12: „Paradigms of Future Changes in the 21st Century (Geopolitical, Economic and Cultural Aspects)“
- VEGA 1/0046/10: „Strategy for sustainable development and utilization of genetic resources of farm and wild animals”
- VEGA è. 1/4431/07: „Serum components of lipoproteins and cholesterol in ruminants of different genotypes in relationship to metabolic disorders of the organisms“
- VEGA 1/2409/05: „Metabolic transformation of serum lipoproteins and cholesterol in pigs in relationship to gene-pool selection for defined ratio of their fractions“
- VEGA 1/9015/02: „Genealogical identification of heart disorder in pigs of different genotypes“
- VEGA 1/8038/01: „Utilization of autochthonous breeds gene-pool for creation of more resistant types of animals for ecological animal production and production of bio-food“
- KEGA 3/5186/07: „Implementation of e-learning methods to support education in Animal Breeding with application in bilingual programs and for the study of cynology on University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice and Agricultural University in Nitra“
Publikačná činnosť
Najvýznamnejšie publikácie
- Šubová, N., Mura, L., Buleca, J. (2021): Determinants of household financial vulnerability: Evidence from selected EU countries, E&M Ekonomie a Management, 24, 3, 186-207
- Michalski, G., Blendinger, G., Rozsa, Z., Cierniak-Emerych, A., Svidronova, M., Buleca, J., Bulsara, H. (2018): Can We Determine Debt To Equity Levels In Non-Profit Organisations? Answer Based On Polish Case. Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 29, 5, 526-535
- Šoltés, M., Škrovánková, L., Buleca, J. (2017): Using Markov Chains in the Social Security System. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 51, 1, 223-232
- Benda-Prokeinova, R., Dobes, K., Mura, L., Buleca, J. (2017): Engel’s Approach as a Tool For Estimating Consumer Behaviour. E&M Ekonomie a Management, 20, 2, 15-29
- Šimo, D., Mura, L., Buleca, J. (2016): Assessment of milk production competitiveness of the Slovak Republic within the EU-27 countries, Agricultural Economics-Zemedelska Ekonomika, 62, 10, 482-492